The Scaling Up Nutrition Movement in Yemen

  • SUN Yemen is a movement which brings all stakeholders and partners in the humanitarian and development together, Under the leadership of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, to work together towards the common goal of a Yemen free from all forms of malnutrition.
  • Yemen joined the Scaling Up Nutrition movement in November 2012, among 63 countries under the umbrella of the global movement SUN.
  • SUN Yemen Secretariat was established in MoPIC to coordinate and follow up the implementation of work between the Members of the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement.
  • The secretariat bases its work directives on the National Steering Committee to raise the level of nutrition in Yemen, which is chaired by the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation.
The SUN vision

Yemen free from malnutrition in all its forms


Ensure that all Yemeni children reach their full potential to live healthy lives that allow them to contribute to the social and economic development of their families, communities and country.

Members of the SUN Movement in Yemen
  • SUN National Steering Committee (NSC): Chaired by the Ministry of Planning. Consists of high-level representatives from the Ministry of Finance, Line Ministries, UN system, Clusters, donors, business and civil society. Provides strategic leadership and guidance. Endorses the MSNAP and budget, helps mobilise resources and reviews implementation.
  • SUN Yemen Secretariat (SYS): Located within the Ministry of Planning. Consists of MoP staff. Supports the SUN National Steering Committee & other SUN structures
  • SUN Multisectoral Technical Team (MTT): Chaired by the SUN Yemen Secretariat. Consists of senior technical representatives of Ministry of Planning, Line Ministries, UN agencies, Clusters, donors, business & civil society. Provides evidence-based guidance to sectors. Collates analysis & plans from sectors and integrates into MSNAP. Oversees implementation & monitoring.

Important Dates


Yemen has committed to the multi-sectoral approaches to combating malnutrition outlined in the “Yemen Vision 2025” document.


Preparing the first draft of a multi-sectoral nutrition plan with technical assistance from the SUN movement


Compatibility with partners to update the plan based on changes in indicators and needs


Initiating the updating of the multi-sectoral nutrition plan, preparing the monitoring and evaluation plan, and the advocacy strategy


Finalized the multi -sectors plan (narrative document) ; Preparing the M&E plan (as a part of the MSNAP); Preparing the advocacy strategy


Preparing a road map to expand the scope of implementation of the nutrition plan, according to a common vision among all relevant government agencies and its partners from the United Nations and donors.

Our achievements

12+Years of experience
34+Training and workshops
96Awareness campaigns
5Sectors we work with

Tasks and roles

SUN Yemen Secretariat

Formulation of nutrition-related policies

Formulation of nutrition-related policies and intersectoral coordination by the Ministry of Planning will facilitate and create an enabling environment for better coordination related to nutrition programs among participating ministries, other government institutions, NGOs and donors.

Coordinating, providing technical support

Coordinating, providing technical support, and harmonizing nutrition-related sectoral policies, laws and regulations among relevant ministries, civil society, academics, UN agencies and the private sector;

Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the multisectoral nutrition plan

Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the multisectoral nutrition plan and coordination between the different sectors and at the level of departments responsible in those sectors for the level of implementation of the interventions and activities of the multisectoral nutrition plan and monitoring the progress made to achieve the planned goals.